Upper Body

Superb Treatment for Your Upper Body

It is scientifically proven that the body can heal itself from almost any kind of injury. Through the nervous system, the brain controls the regulation of the body and its healing capacity. The nerves run through the spine in hollow points and between the vertebrae to every part of the body.

If you are suffering from neck pain or symptoms of an upper cervical subluxation, including different leg lengths, one hip or shoulder being higher than the other, or tingling extremities, call Dr. James Lybarger of Fanno Creek Chiropractic and schedule an appointment today.
Chiropractic Services

Some Causes of Subluxations

If the top bones in your neck - the atlas or C1 and the axis or C2 - are misaligned, this will put pressure on the nerves and lead to many problems in your body's ability to regulate glands, the proper function of your organs, and many other areas.

This is called subluxation and can be caused by stress, poison, and physical or emotional trauma.

When a baby is born, the doctors hold the head and clean out the nose, mouth, and lungs of any fluid. They assist in the childbirth by guiding the baby’s head out of the birth canal.

This can cause a subluxation in the baby and lead to jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) and other problems, which can be corrected by chiropractic care.
Chiropractic Services

Maintaining Your Upper Body Alignment

The body is designed to keep the head centered above the neck when we walk and move about. When the atlas or axis is misaligned, this places pressure on the nerves and also causes the head to shift slightly.

The spine and muscles around the spine all adjust to keep the head centered, which then causes the rest of the body to adjust accordingly. This, in turn, causes many problems, such as one leg being shorter than the other or one shoulder or hip being higher than the other.

This is similar to having a misaligned vehicle driving down the road. It will cause premature wear and tear on body parts and create issues that will require much greater effort to repair once damaged.

However, replacement body parts are not as readily available as car tires, so it pays to keep up on the maintenance of your upper body.

Subluxations and Their Diagnosis

Accidents which can cause the subluxation of the atlas or axis and don't need to be major or extremely traumatic. Something as simple as bumping your head can cause a minor shift in these bones and result in headaches that have no logical explanation.

When you visit Dr. James Lybarger at Fanno Creek Chiropractic, we'll give you a thorough examination, which includes full spinal X-rays and close-up neck X-rays to determine what subluxation exists and what we need to do to correct it. These X-rays are critical in determining the treatment and its long-term success.
We use the latest techniques.

Visit 8861 SW Commercial St
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